Translate Japanese Games
Translate in game japanese text with ocr optical character recognition 5 40 am unknown 13 comments i know that a lot of my viewers are interested in playing imported games particularly newly released japanese titles or earlier titles that were unfortunately pushed off into the abyss for english or other international audiences.
Translate japanese games. The software s update uses artificial intelligence to translate japanese text to english with the press of a button. I like japanese games. In brief retroarch was making use of ai to translate japanese to english for games. With the universal game translator and a japanese text game running all a user has to do is press a button in order to send a snapshot of the game screen to google s servers.
When i say japanese games i should be more specific. Japanese games video games. I don t mean games that are made in japan or inspired by japanese game designs. No i mean the type that never leave the shores of japan.
The wikipedia entry said it was a cross platform front end for emulators. Google scans the. September 12 2016 author.