Japanese Translation Bible
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Japanese translation bible. Japanese bible 中文 čeština nederlands français ქართული ენა deutsch italiano 日本語 한국어 português pyccĸий srpski српски español svenska tagalog. A translation was done by james curtis hepburn of the presbyterian mission and samuel robbins brown of the reformed church of america it is presumed that japanese intellectual assistants helped translate bridgman and culbertson s chinese bible 1861 into japanese and hepburn and brown adjusted the phrases. Bible resources for japanese. New interconfessional translation bible 新共同訳聖書 in japanese pronounced shin kyōdō yaku seisho is the most recent japanese translation of the christian bible completed in 1987 and is now the most widely used japanese bible by both catholics and protestants.
This inter confessional bible symbolizes the ecumenical movement of japan. Bibles canada the online boo. Bible english to japanese translation.